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The Lord Knight Pure Bowling Bash Build!


Updated: May 12, 2021


This is the second part of my lord knight build guide.  for those who love bowling bash skill read my discussion first before some lunatic judge my guide.  I am not considering my self the best lord knight in Ragnarok Online but i want to prove to anyone that lord knight has the ability to maximize its damage output and kill anyone with ease by using bowling bash skill.

Thanks to those who inspire me to do this guide and hope my guide  help  to anyone who wants to become a lord knight.  all data here is based on my SAVD lord knight in valkyrie server.  take note that ghostring, orc lord, orc hero and taugunka boss card does not exist in our server..

Name: Lord Goriotep 99/70 SAVD Bowling Bash Build



str 96

agi 50

vit 70 ++++++++++ [ lord knight exists because of two reasons, to be a tanker and damage dealer ]

int 1

dex 50

luk 1

stat explanation – we all know there’s  numerous  build for an LK.

SVD[ str vit dex ]  which give durability and versatility  and sky high HP.

SAL[ str agi luk ] which give crit luk to enemy. and other builds such as pure spiral, 1 hand sword and spear LK..

Combining the best of both worlds of SVD and SA except LUK, the SAVD-type offers better versatility at least on my mind =).

LORD KNIGHTS–> The Lord Knight’s skills are a good balance of offense and defense

–>    can achieve 190atpsd easily. [ agi=1.. berserk pots+ two hand quicken + berserk skill]

–>( variety, numerous build) pure bowling, pure spiral and bowling spiral

–> highest HP modifier in game

Recommended equips:

headgear: Large baphoment horn, baphomet horn, hockey mask, Blush of groom,

armor : Deadly valk armor, diabolous armor

shield cranial: VAlk shield, stone buckler

weapon:combat knife/+7-9 tens[3] 1 hydra 2 2 sword guardian card

1hand glorious spear/ 1 hand BG sword/+10[4] carded blade

and my all time favorite two hand sword = EXECUTIONER[1][0]

garment: +7-10 immune/deviant valk mant

shoes  variant

accesories 2 pcs medal of honor, clip of mustle

equipment set:  the best gears for an LK>>high upgrades of GLORIOUS SET, VALK SET DIABOLOUS SET tidal/wool combo

Skills: (for my build)

sword mastery at 1 ths mastery at 10 thq at 10 parry at 10 auto-counter at 10 Bowling bash at 10 bash at 10 provoke at 5 or 6 endure at 5 or 6 spear mastery at 5 pierce at 10 spear dynamo at 5 aura blade at 5 frenzy spear stab at 1. magnum break at 5-6 peco riding cavalier mastery at 5 relax increase recovery at 10.

(or you could just take 5 points from pierce and place them at sword mastery to increase damage of 1 hand sword)



just browse this site–>>

where you can learn how to perform it. it has the ability to cast bowling bash twice in a second that mades bowling bash powerful skill unlike  spiral pierce which depends on weapons weight..

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